Try The 7 Tantric Sex Positions for Intimacy

Try The 7 Tantric Sex Positions for Intimacy

Tantra Sex Is Sex, But Better

If you've been craving sex that's better, longer-lasting, and more intimate—and let's be honest, who isn't—it might be time to try tantric sex.

Tantrhuhh? "Tantric sex a slowed-down, awe-inspiring, super hot way of having sex," says tantra expert Barbara Carrellas, a certified sexologist and author of Urban Tantra: Sacred Sex for the Twenty-First Century. "Tantra is the way you do something, it's the principle you apply. So, really, you can do any activity—and any sex position—tantrically."

If that surprises you, you're not alone. "People have all these ideas and misconceptions about tantra sex and how it looks," says Layla Martin, a highly-regarded tantra teacher and host of the YouTube series Epic Sex & Legendary Longing. "Tantra actually doesn't look that different on the outside, it just feels different on the inside because it's sex plus that inner connection."

That means you don't need to learn a whole new set of sex skills and/or configurations. Instead, you're applying a ~tantric flair~ to enhance the positions you already know by slowing down, de-centering the orgasm, maintaining eye contact, and focusing on deep loving. (If that sounds like mushy mumbo-jumbo to you, check out Everything You Need and Want to Know About Tantra and Tantra Sex, then come right back here.)

Still, some positions lend themselves to tantric sex better than others. Sorry, but positions that require feats of fitness (such as wheelbarrow, scissoring, and standing split) are best saved for another time.

To help you get started, we asked tantric sex experts to share their fave tantric sex positions for beginners. So, go on, light some candles, shut the blinds, and try these positions

1.Leisurely Self-Love

Tantra Sex

2.Tilted Missionary

Tantra Sex

3.Yab Yum

Tantra Sex

4.The Great Bee

Tantra Sex

5.Connected Cunninlingus

Tantra Sex

6.Spooning Sex

Tantra Sex

7.Golden Retriever

Tantra Sex

These tantric sex positions (and tips!) from experts will make sex more mindful, pleasurable, and make you feel ultra close to your partner.